How do you capture the vibes of Venice beach and create a brand that is based on strong nutritional foundations with a zest for live? Have a little fun and bring back good memories of good holidays!

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Laguna Juice Bar
Capture L.A. in a cup!
After spending many vacations in LA, hanging out on Venice beach and never wanting to leave, this client wanted to bring the good vibes, sunshine and healthy fresh juice lifestyle back to Europe. TYC were tasked with creating the brand identity and kiosk experience to wake up the mid mall retail scene in Barcelona.
“Bottled sunshine & an endless summer!”
Tony Helstone - Founder, Laguna Juice Bar

It helped that several of the TYC crew had been to L.A.. For those that hadn’t, the lucky ones shared their experiences, brought out their old holiday snaps and described the clean living, surf vibe of Venice Beach. The client also brought onboard an L.A. nutritionist to help create a super clean, en-vogue menu of juices and smoothies.
Combine this with our vast experience of working in mid mall retail meant that we could create a remarkable concept that captured the clients and landlords imagination and was an instant hit! The design has created a brand full of personality and sunshine that makes you smile at every touch point. The first unit has been opened in Barcelona with landlord ECE.
Retail Design

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