“I want to open a store” said the client. “But why?” said the designers. When the product is nail varnish selling at £5 a bottle and when the customer doesn’t know who we are in physical retail, why not just be where they are and go mid-mall? “Ok” said the client. And so the Bottleshop was born.

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Models Own
Hello beauty world. Why so serious?
Our relationship with Models Own is intertwined with our own. It’s our first project that ever went viral, it’s the project that changed mid-mall retail forever and it’s the one that become one of the most fun beauty stores of its time.
“Refusing to so much as lift a pencil until entrenched in our brand and only then, having dissected our customers, the myth starts to become a reality and they start to do what they do best – sector-busting innovative retail design.”
Mark Rodol - CEO

Rolling on from the success of the Bottleshop (After the UK it opened in Mexico, Tokyo, Thailand, Taiwan, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar and the UAE) the Al Hokair Group bought the brand and expanded the offer in to full face. TYC conducted a workshop with 25 beauty experts and customers to dive deep in to the world of beauty. The findings where shocking. Just one stat: 85% of women over 27yo haven’t changed their foundation choice since they were teenagers!
What made this store unique? There should be no question in the customers mind “Can I try this?”. Everything is set out to encourage shoppers to get involved. The communication is friendly and supportive; there are top tips at every turn. Customers should feel inspired to grab an edgy colour or confident to use a new product that’s pushing their own personal make-up boundaries.
Retail Space Design

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