NRG challenged TYC to provide insight-backed intelligence to help the future expansion of their gyms. TYC interviewed 289 millennial customers face-to-face and through our online platform to understand who they were and what their attitudes were to identify a unique positioning.

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Powering health, fitness and well-being in the community
Following our research in to Millennials attitudes towards health and fitness TYC were asked to design a premium value gym that addressed a gap in the market place.
“Building communities and tribes within our hubs”
Shafiq Ahmed - Founder and Director

The opportunity was clear: acknowledge the importance of well-being as an equal to physical health whilst empowering the local community to create a likeminded tribe. Taking this intelligence the team set out to refine the brand identity and create an interior experience that matched the positioning.
Creating a premium feeling gym without the budget was a challenge but clever use of materials and honing in on key hero area’s created the desired effect. A minimal, clean urban look and feel intertwined with well-being practises has given the customer more than a value gym can offer with little or no increase in monthly fee.
Business Expansion Strategy

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