This project needed to tie into customer needs and create a caring economy along with a statement of intent that positioned Socialites as the number one choice for healthier lifestyle vaping by both landlords and customers alike. Our deep dive identified a mission statement only they could own: ‘To help adults break free of their deadly tobacco addiction and offer a safer vaping alternative’.

SEO H1 Tag Place Holder
Change the UK public perception of vaping
The owner’s brief was ambitious: create a retail experience to disrupt the vaping marketplace with the sole aim of stopping the UK smoking. A challenge TYC were keen to accept, especially considering the subject. The fact that Socialites are the only vaping brand owned by a pharmaceutical company filled us with hope that this wider purpose could be achieved.
“To be a successful business you need TYC on your team! TYC provided the insight and creativity that woke my ‘sleeping brand’. The energy and commitment TYC brought gave us the ability to buckle-up and compete in our fast paced market.”
Samantha Woodcroft - Director of Retail Operations

From the outset the collective team was keen that the retail experience should not follow other vaping technological looking stores. Instead, the interior design of the kiosk aspired to communicate the pharmaceutical connections of the brand and framing products within a contemporary twist on the traditional apothecary style. Combining a mix of natural materials and botanical elements to acknowledge a medicinal authority, trustworthiness whilst also signalling a healthy living lifestyle.
Socialites have seized the opportunity to be a truly different type of vape brand, with a very real interest in helping people break free of their deadly tobacco addiction by placing emphasis on the pharmaceutical aspects of the business and by promoting the superiority and quality of the product. Product sales have increased by 10% LFL and the size of the UK portfolio has increased by 48%, 60% above annual target, achieved within 3 months.
Brand Positioning Agency

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