Consumerism insight for life after COVID-19
In order to keep at the forefront of ideas and innovations post COVID-19 we wanted to explore the implications on consumers to provide insight to our clients and brands about what the future of consumerism may look like.
So we designed and launched a suite of surveys exploring consumer attitudes and behaviours towards different topics such as lifestyle changes, connections to others, monetary spend, exercise and travel, amongst others.

The survey results are in and the deep dive analysis is complete. Issue No1 shares some of our topline insights, follow-up articles will be released periodically over the next few weeks and are intended to deliver short, sharp, actionable bursts of insights.
Sharing these insights with the wider community is our way of doing our bit, helping our industry to keep innovating inorder to survive on the other side. Please feel free to share far and wide.
Now, more than ever, is the time for creatives to dig deep and come up with ideas and innovations that help the world adjust to the new normal – a word post COVID-19.
Please take a read of the most recent insight issue. Over the coming weeks, we’re creating tailored insight for brands to help them adapt and thrive post-COVID-19.
If you’re interested, please get in touch at – we’d love to hear from you, until then, stay safe.