Lockdown 2.0 is here!
Here we go, guys. Lockdown 2.0 is here. Yes it’s a nightmare, yes it felt like the world around us was starting to move forward and yes, we’re all going to miss seeing each other. But we’ve done this already. We’re better prepared, there’ll be no home-schooling, we all know how to use ZOOM!

For many, this will be another hit economically and times will be hard. No doubt there’ll be points where we feel tested physically and mentally. I don’t have a crystal ball but as you all know, I’m ever the optimist and can always see the best in a situation. This is the time to test, trial, fail, divert, experiment, listen, learn, evolve, grow, adapt.
We learnt a lot in the last lockdown, as I’m sure do you, but in the spirit of the TYC culture, may we ask of you all to please;
– Look out for those around you and remember the power of little acts of kindness
– Be brave and look for opportunities this new world has provided
– Find moments of joy, stay active and keep learning
During lockdown 2.0 TYC will still be 100% operational, as per last time around, and when we get back we’ll be entering our own new era (see exciting studio news below!).
Stay safe and, as always, feel free to reach out anytime.