10 of 10…What’s it all about?


Thoughts Piece

Its our 10th Anniversary! To mark this special occasion we are hosting 10 activities across 2017.

We have been building up to this moment for quite a while, and after some tough decisions, the team have managed to narrow it down to 10 events which have a mixture of purposes. Some are specifically designed to evoke thought leadership and mind bending perspectives, others are our chance to give back and raise awareness for good causes. The rest are a bit of fun and a chance to celebrate!

Below is the announcement of the first 3 upcoming events. We will be releasing information on the rest in the near future!

Activity 1: SPRING Accelerator

So to kick off our 10 of 10 campaign, we present to you SPRING Accelerator: 10 hours for Girls.

What is SPRING? After hearing the fantastic Ramona Liberoff speak at Most Contagious last year, we decided that we wanted to help this incredible scheme in any way possible. SPRING is a pioneering programme that aims to transform the lives of girls in a variety of countries, in the hope to end global poverty. SPRING focuses on impacting and reforming adolescent girl’ lives and by 2019 they aim to reach 200,000 adolescent girls through business innovations. Once we found out TYC could help them get a step closer to this goal, we were eager to get involved, hence why it is our first activity out of 10!

We are donating 10 hours of our expertise to assist in the branding of clinics of Sehat Kahani; a Pakistani based clinic providing affordable & quality healthcare.

Our hope is to assist in increasing awareness of the brand so that the population of Pakistan understand there is healthcare available to them. The demand for health care here is so high & many women physicians stop practicing after marriage, meaning there is a lack of support available.

We hope that our involvement will help increase this awareness and give Sehat Kahani a strong brand presence in their market place.

@SpringAccel #TYC10hrsforgirls

Activity 2: TEN 16 year olds vs TEN CEOs

Our second activity involves looking to the future. But through two very different sets of eyes. We’ll be interviewing ten 16 year olds to get a picture of how they see the world today and their vision for what it might look like in 10 years time, 2027. We will then be comparing their views with those of 10 CEO’s (brands include Nike, Westfield, Models Own, JD, Alibaba, Grosvenor estate).

The chosen school is St. Bede’s School in Reigate and the sessions will that place early April. We are still on the look out for CEO’s to join the study which will be done remotely on our online platform. If you are or know of a CEO that would like to participate, then please get in touch.

Not only will it rack the brains of our participants, but we aim to develop thought provoking piece which we can refer back to over the upcoming years. The document will be of interest to those who are also likeminded trend watchers, as it will evaluate thoughts around retail, social media and the world of brands from two different perspectives.

The findings will be documented and shared openly to the industry.


Activity 3: TENS x TYC

Our third announcement is our super cool collaboration with TENS Eyewear.

This remarkable brand was co-founded by 3 photographers who had spent years filtering photography to make pictures look even better. They then asked the question “how could we make the world look ten times better, all the time?”. Hence TENS was born

We have been a fan of this brand for some time now and as it is our 10th Anniversary we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to team up with these guys.

We have worked closely with the team at TENS to create a bespoke pair of sunglasses based on their Classic style. Engraved on the inner arm you will find a quote that we feel represents our company ethos and also a bit of every day inspo for the wearer.

But here’s the thing. We’ve limited the run to only 100 pairs!

This is our way of thanking those out there who are brave. Those that taken risks and push themselves and the brands they work with further than ever before. Keep an eye out to see if you’re one of the lucky 100. You’ll be hit up on social media and once you receive them, we expect some epic selfies and Instagram delights! (inspiration can be found on the @tens Instagram).

#TensxTYC #Seepastyourboundaries @tens

Watch this space for further 10 of 10 announcements!

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